Blue Ridge Thunder

This is an on-line community for members of the Blue Ridge Thunder motorcycle enthusiasts group. Blue Ridge Thunder is an all Harley club currently celebrating our 16th year of existence.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mystery Ride Returns This Sunday!

Ron Johnson will usher in the return of the Sunday Mystery Ride this coming Sunday, May 15th, beginning at 1:45 p.m. All riders should meet at the Exxon station at the head of Pigeon St. in downtown Waynesville. This location is directly opposite the parking lot of First Baptist Church.

A stop for dessert is planned but you should eat lunch prior to arriving for the ride. The ride will depart at 2:00 p.m. sharp! Would you like to know where the ride is going? Well, that wouldn't be very mysterious if I told you so you'll just have to show up and ride! This is a President's Bottle Points Run.


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