February Meeting In The Bag!
An excellent turnout of Blue Ridge Thunder members and guests met on Sunday, February 13th at the Big Mountain Barbecue to enjoy some excellent food and begin planning for the upcoming riding season. Approximately 24 folks came together for the meeting.
Blue Ridge Thunder is pleased to welcome new members Nick Kellas and Donna Forga to the club. Nick and Donna ride a Road King. We were also pleased to have Bob Gormly join us for the meeting.
During the business portion of the meeting, current Club President Cecil Yount attempted to have the annual discussion of what went well and what needed improvement in the last year. Obvious strengths noted were the excellent turnout for the annual Toy Run and the hard work that club members put into that event. Suggestions for improvement included more rides and more participation by members.
Yount introduced the plan for election of new officers for the upcoming year. A list of members from last year was passed around and nominations for this coming year were made on paper by individual members and left with club Secretary/Treasurer Mary Hooker. The nominees are being tallied and will be presented to club members prior to or at the next club meeting in March. If you missed the meeting and would like to nominate someone for any of the offices (President, Vice-President, Sec/Treasurer, Communications Officer, Road Captains), you may send an email to cecil.yount@charter.net or by calling the club Hotline and leaving a messasge.
Yount also suggested to the club members the establishment of a Member of the Year acknowledgement based upon a points system developed by Yount and his wife, Kathy. Members would earn points based upon participation in club events/rides, willingness to assist in preparing for club events, etc. The award of Member(s) of the Year would be held at the annual club Christmas Party in December. A monetary award would be made from fees generated from the monthly 50/50 drawing and/or other fund raising efforts. Further details will be made available at the next club meeting. Points will be awarded for attendance at the March meeting.
The next club meeting will be held the 3rd Sunday in March (20th) at Big Mountain Barbecue beginning at 1:30 p.m. Once again, the restaurant will be open only to club members/guests and we will eat off of the menu. Gratuties are NOT included in your bill so please keep your servers in mind as you depart.
Blue Ridge Thunder is pleased to welcome new members Nick Kellas and Donna Forga to the club. Nick and Donna ride a Road King. We were also pleased to have Bob Gormly join us for the meeting.
During the business portion of the meeting, current Club President Cecil Yount attempted to have the annual discussion of what went well and what needed improvement in the last year. Obvious strengths noted were the excellent turnout for the annual Toy Run and the hard work that club members put into that event. Suggestions for improvement included more rides and more participation by members.
Yount introduced the plan for election of new officers for the upcoming year. A list of members from last year was passed around and nominations for this coming year were made on paper by individual members and left with club Secretary/Treasurer Mary Hooker. The nominees are being tallied and will be presented to club members prior to or at the next club meeting in March. If you missed the meeting and would like to nominate someone for any of the offices (President, Vice-President, Sec/Treasurer, Communications Officer, Road Captains), you may send an email to cecil.yount@charter.net or by calling the club Hotline and leaving a messasge.
Yount also suggested to the club members the establishment of a Member of the Year acknowledgement based upon a points system developed by Yount and his wife, Kathy. Members would earn points based upon participation in club events/rides, willingness to assist in preparing for club events, etc. The award of Member(s) of the Year would be held at the annual club Christmas Party in December. A monetary award would be made from fees generated from the monthly 50/50 drawing and/or other fund raising efforts. Further details will be made available at the next club meeting. Points will be awarded for attendance at the March meeting.
The next club meeting will be held the 3rd Sunday in March (20th) at Big Mountain Barbecue beginning at 1:30 p.m. Once again, the restaurant will be open only to club members/guests and we will eat off of the menu. Gratuties are NOT included in your bill so please keep your servers in mind as you depart.