Blue Ridge Thunder

This is an on-line community for members of the Blue Ridge Thunder motorcycle enthusiasts group. Blue Ridge Thunder is an all Harley club currently celebrating our 16th year of existence.

Monday, January 09, 2006

A Motorcyclist's Second Best Friend?

Man's "best friend" has for many eons been considered the dog. The constant companionship and unflagging dedication of dogs to men (and women) has been well noted throughout our written and oral histories. So, if dogs are man's best friend, what rates as the second best friend? I imagine that we could get some pretty solid arguments going in support of various other things/people to rate as second best.

For argument's sake, let me pose this question. What is always present whenever a motorcyclists takes to the road? What can start out enveloping you in comfort and, in a very short time, turn nasty, dark, and angry and challenge you to complete your journey? What, in fact, can many times prevent that journey? Well, if your answer to all 3 of those questions was "a spouse!", you might be right but I'll wager that more often than not the answer to that question is "The Weather!"

How many of us consult our local gurus before we ride? How many of us watch the 11:00 p.m. weather to see if "gee, maybe I can ride work tomorrow..."? How many of us study at our own observations through the years in making decisions whether to mount up? "Uh, gee dear, those rhododendron leaves are really curled tight today and that usually means the temperature is below freezing..."

I certainly will lay claim to being a "weather nut" and looking at all the data, radar and images that I can find when deciding to get the Ultra out. I've made decisions (some good, some bad) when it comes to deciding if a ride should go on as scheduled. I've studied prevailing westerlies, 24 hour satellite images, and historical wind flow patterns in trying to determine if that little patch of moisture is going to go west of the Smokies or east of the Smokies.

I really must admit that I've always had a feeling that if I just knew a little bit more information, I could REALLY tell the weather! Our local weather guru always says that "your weather is what is on your fence post." Well, I've taken that to heart and can now tell you EXACTLY what my weather is... except it isn't on a fence post. It is located on the top of my house! My lovely really, really "best friend" finally consented (or was worn down...) and I now have my very own weather station proudly spitting out data from the roof of the house.

The station went into service on January 8, 2006 and went live on the internet on January 9, 2006. So, I'm happy to share my little piece of the weather prognostication game. You may see my weather by going to our club's opening page at Blue Ridge Thunder or by going to Weather Underground and doing a search for our zip code (28786). The station ID is KNCWAYNE3.

So, check out the weather on "my fence post" and we'll all get together and talk about it and if all the cards fall out right, we'll go RIDE!



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